Roland Issenlor
Sculptor, President of Foundation Syrodarts

I was deeply impressed.

During one of my trips to China, I met Mianhua. I was so moved by the energy and passion that radiated from her paintings.

Her profound artworks bring us back to a time when many paintings and carpets were hung up in an ancient castle.

She amazes us with her talents through her application of brilliant colours. She brings us on a journey to an exotic land, a journey to our heart and a journey to peace. Such experience is blossoming in her gardens with a secret beauty. The audience could even smell the fragrance from her paintings.

Her artworks seem to have a magical power to suck us in. What a magical journey it would be if the audience could truly enter her art world?

The artist is an expert in capturing the beautiful sceneries on our planet mirrored by colors. Like an alchemist, she selects the hues of flowers, sea and sky, then merges them in her paintings.

She draws her inspiration from life. In the Garden of Eden she creates, there is only love and tenderness, without any signs of violence or absurdity.

We find some traces of art history through the piles of colors and the brush strokes she adopts. But she is unique, as she inserts only her own visual memory into her paintings. Then she melts everything into her magical world where harmony, smoothness and love go hand in hand.

In the harmonious, poetic and wonderful spaces created by Mianhua, we can recognize musical influences from Mozart, Chopin and Stravinsky, and we can even encounter pop music and rock music … The feelings she expresses in her works come from imagination, which are mixed with joyfulness, lightness and sensuality. The swirling sweetness and sorrow embodied in her works can evoke the deepest resonance of love and beauty in our heart, calling forth wild and fanciful thoughts upon our symbiosis with nature.

If we can fully appreciate the true meanings of her artworks, then we cannot but feel detached from this practical world.

Gazing at her paintings is like breathing pure oxygen without any pollution, and everything is pure and soothing.

France, 2010