Jeffrey A. Sheehan
Associate Dean of International Relations at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

It was in Shanghai, the November breeze carrying light rain blew through the bushes which were rustling outside Mianhua’s studio.

“I draw energy from nature and life.” She said. She is a woman with calm smile, petite figure and a special name. Those colorful works are flowing with powerful energy in her studio.

Mianhua created a set of installation works named The Rhythm, which was placed in a certain museum. The installation work uses an early set of agricultural tools combined with real seedlings, rice and other kinds of beans. This work enlightened me that Mianhua hoped to arouse the audience’s observation and reflection on the past and on their own “roots”.

Mianhua is open to different interpretations of her works, but she never takes the initiative to tell people how to appreciate her art works. The painter’s mother tongue is Chinese, her expression clear and profound. She acts a multi-level communicator and is never arrogant at all. Her low-key self-confidence is reflected in her paintings.

There is an inspiring series consisting of water and ink works which Mianhua created while traveling around Europe. The oil painting in the living room on the first floor took her six months. It’s the most powerful and aesthetically worthy oil painting in her household. As long as your eyes contact the picture and stay there for a while, the addressees will be led into a wonderful world despite the abstraction form. She considers her works as her own children. When she is painting, she seems to be nurturing life.

Things can be found in Mianhua’s art creation that differ from each other in everyone’s eyes. A sight of her works will please and touch one’s heart. I feel like I have dived straight into the role of Conway, who finally achieved the inner peace and tranquility in James Hilton’s Disappearing Horizon.

No trace of anger or pain can be found in Mianhua’s works. Any trials to search “social realism” in her works will definitely prove to be in vain. She withstands with being labeled with political philosophy. Mianhua owns the joy originating from nature and stands in awe of nature and life. Not everyone is fortunate enough to gain insight into her life connotation and works. Nonetheless, a viewer who understands Mianhua will certainly appreciate the beauty, tranquility, soft toughness in all her works. She speaks a global common language to express emotions without showing off grandeur at all. She will remain stored in your memory once you have met her, as she is so unique.

Wandering spiritually in Mianhua’s works, you will notice that the multi-level artistic complexity is extending infinitely. For the world, this kind of talent is neither Chinese nor Western, it is “Mianhua’s”. Let go of your prejudices and prepare yourself to be overwhelmed and spoiled by her works! Her paintbrush has touched the boundless borders, and there is enough mellow for all of us to enjoy!

Wharton School of Business, Philadelphia, USA, 2012